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任晓松,1986 3 月生,山西省运城市人,2013 年毕业于天津大学管理科学与工程专业,获管理学博士学位。2016 9 月在英国曼彻斯特大学进行为期一年的国家公派学术访问。中国系统工程学会能源资源系统工程分会理事,中国 “双法”研究会能源经济与管理研究分会理事,山西省政府采购入库专家,山西省农业农村厅入库专家。主持并完成教育部人文社科项目1项,主持并完成山西省高等学校哲学社会科学项目、山西省软科学项目、山西省社科联重点项目和山西省哲学社会科学项目、山西省统计学会项目等课题6,作为主要成员参与国家自然科学基金项目、教育部人文社会科学研究青年项目等课题 11 项。在中英文学术期刊、国际会议及报纸上共发表学术论文20余篇,出版专著 1 部,参编著作2部。


2016-2017     英国曼彻斯特大学,国家公派访问学者

2010-2013     天津大学,管理科学与工程专业,管理学博士,研究方向为低碳经济与能源政策

2008-2010    72886必赢欢迎光临,技术经济及管理专业,管理学硕士,主要研究方向为项目管理与技术经济评价、循环经济评价(提前一年毕业)

2004-2008     72886必赢欢迎光临,管理科学专业,英语专业学士(双学位), 管理学学士,文学学士









[1] Ren X, Sun S, Yuan R. A Study on Selection Strategies for Battery Electric Vehicles Based on Sentiments, Analysis, and the MCDM Model[J]. Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2021, Article ID 9984343.(SCI)

[2]Ren X, Wu X, Liu Y, et al. The Spatial Spillover Effect of Environmental Regulation and Technological Innovation on Industrial Carbon Productivity in China: A Two-Dimensional Structural Heterogeneity Analysis[J]. Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2021, 5613525.(SCI)


[4]任晓松, 马茜, 刘宇佳, . 碳交易政策与高污染工业企业经济绩效: 基于多重中介效应模型的实证分析[J]. 资源科学, 2020,42(09):1750-1763.

[5]任晓松,刘宇佳,赵国浩.经济集聚对碳排放强度的影响及传导机制[J].中国人口·资源与环境, ,2020,30(4):95-106.

[6]任晓松, 孙天美, 赵国浩. 中国碳排放研究热点演化知识图谱分析[J]. 科技管理研究, 2018,38(10),235-243.

[7]Ren XS, Liu,YJ. A Bibliometric Analysis on Higher Education Curri cula Model [C]. Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research,2018,182:780-784.

[8]Ren XS, Sun,TM. Research on the Evaluation of China's Regional Industrial Green Transformation Development Ability[C]. The 3rd Ann ual 2017 International Conference on Management Science and Engi neering. Guilin.2017,50(37-43).

[9]任晓松,赵国浩.中国工业碳排放及其影响因素灰色预测分析——基于 STIRP

AT 模型[J]. 北京交通大学学报(社会科学版),2014, 13(4), 18-24.

[10]Tao ZhaoXiao-song Ren. The Empirical Research of the Causality Relationship between  CO2  Emissions  Intensity,  Energy  Consumptio n Structure, Energy Intensity, and Industrial Structure in  China [A]. 19th International Conference on Industrial  Engineering and Engineeri ng Management: Assistive Technology of Industrial Engineering[C]. G ermany:Springer-Verlag.2013,601-609.(EI 20140217176273)


KAYA 公式为视角[J].干旱区资源与环境,2014,28(03),6-10.CSSCI,CSCD 核心期刊)

[13]任晓松,赵涛.基于广义费雪模型的天津市碳排放影响因素分析[J].干旱区资源与环境,2014,28(06),8-12.CSSCI,CSCD 核心期刊)

[14]任晓松,赵涛.基于 STIRPAT 模型的中国二氧化碳排放动态冲击效应研究[J]. 西安电子科技大学(社会科学版),2013,23(2):55-61.CSSCI 扩展版)

[15]Kang J, Zhao T, Ren X, et al. Using decomposition analysis to evaluate the performance of Chinas 30 provinces in CO2, emission reductions over 20052009[J]. Natural Hazards, 2012, 64(2):999-1013. (SCI)

[16]吴世斌,任晓松.基于主成分和聚类分析的我国区域循环经济发展水平评价[J]. 中国工程咨询,2010,(02):39-41.

[17]任晓松,吴世斌.基于循环经济的资源价格改革研究[J].科技情报开发与经济, 2010, 20(02)127-129.

[18]任晓松,吴世斌.企业发展循环经济的双层次互动进化博弈[J].经济师, 2010, (01):27-28.

[19]REN Xiao-song. Evaluation on the Enterprise Performance based on the Circular Economy [C]. Advance  in  Management  of  Technology Conference on Management of Technology[A], Taiyuan 2009, Aussino Academic Publishing House.ISTP 检 索 )


[1]  任晓松.中国工业碳排放及其影响因素间动态关系研究,北京:中国财政经济出版社,2017 12 月。20 万字(专著)

[2]  任晓松,《资源型地区转型发展案例》, 北京:社会科学文献出版社,20198月。(合著)

[3]   任晓松,《山西资源型经济转型国家综合配套改革试验区发展报告2014——市场配置与收益共享》,北京:中国财政经济出版社,20154月。(合著)获奖

[1] 荣获 2018 年度山西省教育领域“三晋英才”青年优秀人才。(2018031191

[2]   2018 8 月荣获第四届全国大学生能源经济学术创意大赛三等奖,中国优选统筹法与经济数学研究会,证书编号:2018102

[3]   2016 8 月荣获第二届全国大学生能源经济学术创意大赛优秀指导教师, 中国优选统筹法与经济数学研究会,证书编号:2016039




[2] 山西省高等学校哲学社会科学研究项目“波特假说路径下的碳交易政策评估——基于DID 方法的实证分析” (2019W064),主持人 。

[3] 山西省统计学会项目“经济集聚、环境规制与碳排放的关系研究-基于城市群视角的实证分析”(KY[2019]103),主持人。

[4]山西省研究生教育创新项目“波特假说路径下的碳交易政策评估——基于 PSM-DID-DDD 的实证分析”(2019SY402),指导教师。

[5] 山西省哲学社会科学规划项目“山西省煤炭产业转型升级与低碳创新系统协同演化机制研究”(晋规办字[2017]2 ), 山西省哲社规划办,主持人。









[13]国家自然科学基金项目“区域碳减排潜力调控机制与政策研究”(项目编号: 71373170),参与人。



[16]山西省高校科技项目“煤炭型矿业城市生态承载力动态预警设计及应用”(目编号:20121007), 参与人。

[17]天津大学自主创新基金“基于  TPM  低碳经济发展模式研究”编号:








指导在读学生数10           已毕业学生数9


指导在读学生数 16        已毕业学生数24

Curriculum Vitae

Name: Xiao song Ren

Title: Associate professor  

Type of supervisor: Master supervisor  

Teaching and Research Section: Engineering Cost

Supervisor group: Management science and Engineering, Asset evaluation, Logistics engineering, Project management  

Work Address: Shanxi University of Finance and Economics                                    

No. 108, Jin Yang Road, Taiyuan City, Shanxi Province, PR. China.030031


2016-2017  University of Manchester, UK Visiting Scholar

2010-2013   PhD in Management Science and Engineering, Tianjin University

2008-2010   Master Degree in Engineering Economics, Shanxi University of Finance and Economics

2004-2008   Bachelor Degree in Management Science, Shanxi University of Finance and Economics

Research Fields:

Low carbon economy and energy policy, energy resources environment and management, ecological civilization and ecological economy, green building, sustainable supply chain management  

Teaching courses:

undergraduate courses:

Econometrics, Modern Management Methods, Engineering Economics, Project investment, Engineering consulting, Engineering Risk Management, Enterprise Logistics Management, Property Management  

graduate course:    

Multivariate Statistical Analysis, Sustainable Development Theory, Ecosystem Dynamics, Resource Transformation and Development Research  


[1] Ren X, Sun S, Yuan R. A Study on Selection Strategies for Battery Electric Vehicles Based on Sentiments, Analysis, and the MCDM Model[J]. Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2021, Article ID 9984343.(SCI)

[2]Ren X, Wu X, Liu Y, et al. The Spatial Spillover Effect of Environmental Regulation and Technological Innovation on Industrial Carbon Productivity in China: A Two-Dimensional Structural Heterogeneity Analysis[J]. Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2021, 5613525.(SCI)

[3]Ren X S, Liu Y J, Zhao G H. The impact of carbon trading policy on industrial carbon productivity and its transmission mechanism [J]. China Environmental Science, 2021,41(11):5427-5437.

[4]Ren X S, Ma Q, Liu Y J, et al. The impact of carbon trading policy on the economic performance of highly polluting industrial enterprises: Empirical analysis based on multiple mediating effect model[J]. Resources Science, 2020, 42(09): 1750-1763.

[5]Ren X S, Liu Y J, Zhao G H. The impact and transmission mechanism of economic agglomeration on carbon intensity[J]. China Population, Resources and Environment, 2020, 30(4): 95-106.

[6]Ren XS, Sun,TM.,Zhao GH. Analysis on Research Hotspots Evolution of Chinas Carbon Emission Based on Mapping Knowledge Domains[J]. Science and Technology Management Research,2018,38(10),235-243.

[7]Ren XS, Liu,YJ. A Bibliometric Analysis on Higher Education Curricula Model [C]. Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research,2018,182:780-784.

[8]Ren XS, Sun,TM. Research on the Evaluation of China's Regional Industrial Green Transformation Development Ability[C]. The 3rd Ann ual 2017 International Conference on Management Science and Engi neering. Guilin.2017,50(37-43).

[9]REN Xiao-songZHAO Guo-hao. Gray Forecasting of Chinas Industrial Carbon Emissions and its Influencing Factors-A study based on the STIRPAT model[J]. Journal of Beijing Jiaotong University(Social Sciences Edition) , 2014, 13(4), 18-24.

[10]Tao ZhaoXiao-song Ren. The Empirical Research of the Causality Relationship between  CO2  Emissions  Intensity,  Energy  Consumptio n Structure, Energy Intensity, and Industrial Structure in  China [A]. 19th International Conference on Industrial  Engineering and Engineeri ng Management: Assistive Technology of Industrial Engineering[C]. G ermany:Springer-Verlag.2013,601-609.(EI 20140217176273)

[12]REN Xiaosong, ZHAO Tao. The dynamic causality relationship between CO2 emissions intensity and its influencing factors in China-Under the perspective of expandable KAYA equation[J]. Journal of Arid Land Resources and Environment,2014, 28(03), 6-10.

[13]REN Xiaosong, ZHAO Tao. Impact factor decomposition analysis for carbon emissions change in Tianjin city based on the GFI model[J]. Journal of Arid Land Resources and Environment,2014,28(06),8-12.

[14]REN Xiaosong, ZHAO Tao.  STIRPAT Model-based Dynamic Impact Effect Analysis of Influencing Factors of Carbon Emissions in China[J]. Journal of Xidian University (Social Science Edition), 2013,23(2):55-61.

[15]Kang J, Zhao T, Ren X, et al. Using decomposition analysis to evaluate the performance of Chinas 30 provinces in CO2, emission reductions over 20052009[J]. Natural Hazards, 2012, 64(2):999-1013. (SCI)

[16]Wu Shibin, REN Xiaosong. Evaluation of regional circular economy development level based on principal component analysis and cluster analysis[J]. Chinese Engineering Consultants, 2010, (02): 39-41.

[17]REN Xiaosong, Wu Shibin. Research on the Resource Price Reform Based on Circular[J].Economy Journal of Library and Information Science, 2010, 20(02)127-129.

[18]REN Xiaosong, Wu Shibin. The two-level interactive evolutionary game of enterprise developing circular economy[J]. China Economist, 2010, (01): 27-28.

[19]REN Xiao-song. Evaluation on the Enterprise Performance based on the Circular Economy [C]. Advance  in  Management  of  Technology Conference on Management of Technology[A], Taiyuan 2009, Aussino Academic Publishing House.


[1] the Youth Fund for Humanities and Social Sciences of the Ministry of Education "Research on temporal and spatial effects of regional industrial carbon emission" (18YJCZH143)

[2] Shanxi University Philosophy and Social Sciences Research Project "Carbon Trading Policy Evaluation Under the Path of Porter Hypothesis - Empirical Analysis based on DID Method" (2019w064)

[3] Shanxi Statistical Society Project "Research on the relationship between economic agglomeration, environmental regulation and carbon emission - Empirical Analysis from the perspective of Urban Agglomeration" (KY [2019] 103).

[4] Shanxi Graduate Education Innovation Project "Carbon Trading Policy Evaluation Under Porter Hypothesis Path - Empirical Analysis Based On PSM-DID-DDD" (2019sy402).

[5] Shanxi philosophy and social science planning project "Research on the co evolution mechanism of coal industry transformation and upgrading and low-carbon innovation system in Shanxi Province" (jgbz [2017] No. 2).

[6] Key project of Shanxi Federation of Social Sciences "Research on low carbon innovation system of Shanxi coal industry from the perspective of policy learning"(Ssklzdkt2016064).

[7] Shanxi Education Science "12th Five Year Plan" project "Research on the path of undergraduate peak experience curriculum model in Colleges and universities in Shanxi Province" (gh-15031).

[8] Institutions of higher learning in Shanxi Province philosophy social sciences research project "research on dynamic relationship between industrial carbon emissions and influencing factors in Shanxi during the resource-based economy transformation stage.

[9]Soft science research project in Shanxi Province research on protection and restoration of the ecological environment of multiple input mechanism in Shanxi during the resource-based economy transformation stage.